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페루 리마(Lima) 도시

by Jinteacher 2024. 1. 23.

관광명소 : 산프란시스코 대성당, 프란시스코 피사로 동상, 라르코 박물관, 사랑의 공원

관련사이트 : https://www.peru.travel/en/destinations/lima

가는 방법 : 리마 공항 - 리마 미라플로레스(miraflores)
              리마 공항 - 리마 산 이시드로(san-isidro)

공항버스 운행 지도 : https://www.airportexpresslima.com/find-your-stop/     


Choose your stop - Airport Express Lima

Select your Miraflores Hostel/Hotel from the list and get detailed directions to and from the closest Airport Express Lima stop!



리마 공항 홈페이지 : https://www.lima-airport.com/esp

리마 공항 버스 홈페이지 : https://www.airportexpresslima.com/


Airport Express Lima: Official Airport Bus in Lima, Peru

Lima's OFFICIAL Airport Bus. Free WiFi, USB Ports, No Bag Limit, English-speaking staff. Safer, cheaper and more comfortable than a taxi or shuttle.




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